Kathryn Kellogg Discusses the Small Stuff

I received the opportunity to reach out to Kathryn Kellogg of goingzerowaste.com. Kellogg has been blogging since 2015, and uses her website to talk about all aspects of zero waste living- from cooking and grocery shopping to sustainable DIYs, as well as her personal thoughts and experiences. She has a weekly newsletter for her subscribers and also authored her own e-book. With over 25 thousand followers on Instagram, Kellogg has given the movement an inspirational voice attracting a large audience. I asked her questions that many have when they first start going zero waste, especially young people.

Have you ever missed out on anything because of your lifestyle? For example, going out to eat, etc. 

“No. I don’t find living zero waste to be inhibitive. Being allergic to dairy is much more of a hindrance than being zero waste. I still go out with friends when they want to get ice cream. I just don’t get anything. Unless they have a vegan cone, then I’m totally down!”

Has your lifestyle impacted anyone around you? Have any of your loved ones become zero waste and been inspired by you?

“It’s definitely a ripple effect. When people realize it’s easy and they see all of the benefits like saving money, most people are on board. Some immediately make changes and others take their time.”
Do you have any advice for young people (teenagers, college kids) to try zero waste?
Kellogg’s blog is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about zero waste, minimal living, or DIY and lifestyle projects. She works hard to make zero waste easily understandable, and gives her subscribers resources to get a head start. She is an inspiration to many who want to help the environment, but not sacrifice their comfort in day-to-day living. You can visit her blog here!
“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” -Eleanor Roosevelt. 

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